Why Lease Rent Domain Names?

For the past couple years leasing domain names has been growing in popularity. Since the aftermarket for *.com, *.info, *.net, *.org, *.com.au, *.info.au,  *.net.au, *.org.au and other domain extensions and names can be a hundred or even a thousand times more expensive than the original price, leasing is a great decision for closing a big business deal.

What is a Domain Lease?

Leasing gives buyers access to premium domains without them having to pay to actually buy it. Premium domain names can easily cost thousands of dollars, which is an investment that many small business owners are not willing to make. With a lease, the lessee agrees to a specified price to “buy” the domain for a certain amount of time.

How Can Leasing a Domain Name Help Your Business?

As a small business owner, one of your biggest challenges will be to get a strong presence on the web. For example, a small-time employer in Melbourne will have a very hard time getting on the first page of Google search for competitive keywords like “employment in Melbourne”. By leasing a local premium domain name, smaller business owners can have a much stronger presence on the web.

Buyer Benefits

  • As a buyer, you will get the perfect domain name. This allows you to quickly build your website and start getting visitors. Since leasing is cheaper than buying, it also frees up more funds that can be dedicated to the site’s marketing and functionality.
  • If the website turns out to be a smashing success, the buyer still has the option of fully purchasing the domain name. This option is left open as long as the lease is valid, allowing the buyer time to see if he/she is making a good investment.
  • Leasing is far simpler than financing. Securing a financing deal for a domain name is not only difficult to find, it is also very expensive. Leasing allows the buyer and seller to come to terms of agreement without having to involve a bank or another financial institution.
  • By leasing your a Domain, you will create a spectacular impression on your customers with the instance connection. Your start up or existing local business will be easy for them to find and you will have the opportunity to create grass roots loyalty!
  • Leasing domains opens up doors to everyone.


A domain lease is the perfect alternative to the traditional marketing solution. It allows buyers to get their “perfect” domain for a low price and try the domain name out to develop a steady stream of income. If your looking for new customers and want to expand your business,you should definitely give leasing a try.