Sample Leasing Agreement



Domain Name Subject to Lease

  Domain Name being leased



Payment Terms

  The Lessee must make a one off setup payment  plus the first quarterly payment to their respective chosen lease.
Payments must be made before the domain above will be forwarded to the website of the Lessee.



Domain Registration

  The Lessor will remain responsible for the entire duration of the lease and must keep the registration current. The Lessor cannot be be held responsible for any actions or errors of the Registrar.



Insufficient Funds

    The Lessee will be charged 25% of the full lease amount due for every cheque returned to the Lessor due to insufficient funds



Lease Term

    The lease will begin on the date indicated above and will end at the end of the Domain Name Lease Period, unless otherwise terminated in a manner consistent with the specified terms. At the end of the Domain Name Lease Period the Lessee may choice to renew this lease for an additional time period.



Appropriate Use of Domain Names

    The Domain Name may only be used for appropriate websites that fit with the name, and they must comply with all regulations, ordinances and laws regarding the possession or use of the Domain Name. Domain must not be used for any sale of firearms, terrorism, send spam or any other questionable uses.



Domain Name Delivery

    The Lessor will be responsible for delivering the Domain Name indicated in the lease within a specified timeframe by means of pointing the DNS (Domain Name Servers) to the Lessee website and email server.
Delivery of the Domain will be considered complete after these changes have been finalised. The Lessor must complete the transfer within fourteen (14) days. If the Lessor is unable to complete the transfer for reasons beyond his/her control, the Lessor must extend the date of the lease by the period by the period of time the transfer has been delayed.



Domain Name Activation

    The Lessee must activate the Domain within fourteen (14) days from delivery with an appropriate website as defined by this Lease.




    The Lessee must not make alterations to the Domain Name without obtaining prior written consent from the Lessor



Website Maintenance

    The Lessee must pay to maintain an appropriate website that is open for business with at least 97% up time at the location of the Domain Name



Right of Inspection

    The Lessor retains the right to inspect any of the websites located at the Domain Name during normal business hours to ensure that an appriate website is used.



Return of Domain Names

    At the end of the lease term, the Lessor may choose to move the Domain Name to another nameserver or Lessee at the Lessor's expense.



Renewal Option

    If the Lessee has paid in full once the lease expires, the Lessee may renew the lease for a maximum of three (3) additional years. After three (3) years the Lessee will have first option to lease the Domain Name at a renegotiated rate.



Purchase Option

    At the end of the lease term, the Lessee may choose to purchase the Domain Name for a price negioated at the time of the request and as long as no leasing payments are outstanding.
The Lessee must advise the Lessor of this option by providing written notice at lease ninety (90) days before the lease term ends.



Acceptable Domain Name

    The Lessee will inspect the Domain Name is delivered according to this lease. The Lessee must notify the Lessor immediately if any discrepancies exist between the Domain Name recieved and those described in this lease. If the Lessee fails to provide written notice within fourteen (14) days after delivery of the Domain Name, it is assumed the Lessee has accepted the specified Domain Name.



Domain Name Ownership and Status

    Domain Name is considered personal property, regardless of their attachment to other websites or property. The Lessor retains the title of the Domain Name at all times, unless the Lessor agrees to sell the title. The Lessee must immediately advise the Lessor of any levy, lien, claim or legal process issued against the specified Domain Name.




    The Lessor guarantees that the specified Domain Name will be in good standing, free of any disputes or claims and registered in the Lessor's name. However, no further express or implied warranties exist.



Damage to Reputation

    The Lessee is responsible for any damage to the reputation of the Domain Name, and agrees to return it to the Lessor in the same condition it was initially received, with the exception of normal usage. Any illegal use, spamming or unreliablity of operation or service of the Domain Name are all examples of damage to reputation.



Indemnity of Damages to Reputation

    If a Domain Name's reputation is damaged, the Lessor may require the Lessee to purchase the Domain Name at a price multipled by 20 times the maximum price of the maximum lease period for the Domain Name



Liability and Indemnity

    Other than trademark issues, the Lessee is responsible for any loss of reputation or any legal action, and the Lessee can not hold the Lessor responsible for such a liability





Any of the following conditions constitues a lease default:

  • The failure to make the required payments within the specified timeframe.
  • The violation of any provision or requirement that isn't corrected within twenty (20) days of the receiving written notification.
  • The Lessee's insolvency or bankruptcy.
  • Seizure, application or sale of the Lessee's property by and government agency or creditor.



Default Rights

    The Lessor may legally take possession of the Domain Name and deduct all recovery, restoration of reputation and associated costs without prior notice if the Lessee is in default. In this case, the Lessee will be repsonsible for any deficiency. These rights are cumulative.




    All notices associated with this lease are considered delivered when emailed, delivered in person or sent in a postage-prepaid envelope addressed indicated at the beginning of thos lease agreement.



Modification of Entire Agreement

    This lease represents the entire agreement between both parties. Any modifications or amendments must be submitted in writing and signed by both parties. This lease replaces all previous agreemenrts between both parties



Sign and Submit Agreement

    Providing the following - Name, Address, Email, Phone, Mobile, Date, Signature and Witness